The tmpnam() function in C program


The tmpnam() function in C generates a unique temporary filename that returns a pointer to the generated string. It is declared in the "stdio.h" header file and can be called up to TMP_MAX times, with the maximum number of different file names that can be produced being defined by TMP_MAX. The behavior is implementation dependent if it is called more than TMP_MAX times. The function can also take an optional parameter, a character array "str", which is used to copy the generated filename if it is not NULL.

It is important to note that the tmpnam() function is considered to be a legacy function and it is recommended to use the tmpfile() function or the mkstemp() function instead, which are considered to be more secure. This function generates a string that can be used as a filename for a temporary file. The generated string is guaranteed to be unique, so it can be used to create a new file without fear of overwriting an existing file. The tmpnam() function returns a pointer to the generated string.


The tmpnam() function takes an optional parameter, a character array "str", which is used to store the generated file name if it is not NULL. If the "str" parameter is NULL, the function returns a pointer to a static buffer containing the generated file name.

It is important to note that this static buffer is overwritten each time the tmpnam() function is called, so if you need to save the file name for later use, it should be copied to a separate buffer or file. Additionally, it is recommended to use the tmpfile() function or the mkstemp() function instead, which are considered to be more secure.


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