GitHub Guide


The homepage

GitHub's homepage is the landing page that you see when you first log in to your account. It provides a central location to manage your repositories, collaborate with others, and learn about new features and products.

The homepage is divided into several sections:
  • Repositories: This section lists all of your repositories. You can use the search bar to find specific repositories, or you can browse by language, organization, or stargazers.
  • Notifications: This section lists all of the recent notifications that you have received. Notifications can include comments on your code, pull requests, and issues.
  • Activity: This section shows you what your friends and colleagues have been up to on GitHub. You can see who has pushed code, opened pull requests, and made other changes to their repositories.
  • Explore: This section provides a way to discover new repositories and projects. You can browse by language, topic, or popularity.
  • Marketplace: The Marketplace is a place where you can find third-party tools and services that extend GitHub's functionality. You can find tools for continuous integration, code review, and deployment.
  • Settings: This section allows you to manage your account settings, such as your profile, email, and password.
You can customize the homepage by adding widgets and changing the layout. Widgets can provide information about your repositories, such as the number of stars, forks, and contributors. You can also change the layout of the homepage by adding or removing sections.

Here are some additional tips for using the GitHub homepage:
  • Use the search bar to find specific repositories. The search bar is a quick and easy way to find a specific repository.
  • Use the filters to narrow down your search results. The filters allow you to narrow down your search results by language, organization, or stargazers.
  • Subscribe to repositories to get notifications when new activity occurs. When you subscribe to a repository, you will receive notifications when new code is pushed, pull requests are opened, or issues are created.
  • Star repositories that you find interesting. Staring a repository is a way to show your appreciation for the work that has been done.
  • Follow other developers to see what they are working on. Following other developers is a great way to discover new projects and learn about new technologies.

User settings

Here are some of the user settings available on GitHub:
  • Profile: This section allows you to manage your profile information, such as your name, email, and location.
  • Email: This section allows you to manage your email preferences, such as which email addresses you receive notifications from.
  • Password: This section allows you to change your password.
  • 2-factor authentication: This section allows you to enable two-factor authentication for your account.
  • Security & analysis: This section allows you to manage your security settings, such as who can access your repositories and what types of code reviews you want to receive.
  • Access project boards: This section allows you to manage who can access your project boards.
  • Cookie preferences: This section allows you to manage your cookie preferences.
  • Available for hire checkbox: This checkbox allows you to indicate that you are available for hire.
You can also customize your user settings by changing the theme, tab size, and default branch name.

To access your user settings, go to your profile page and click on the "Settings" tab.


Here are some information about GitHub notifications:

What are GitHub notifications?

GitHub notifications are messages that you receive when someone interacts with your code. For example, you might receive a notification if someone comments on your code, opens a pull request, or creates an issue.

How do I get GitHub notifications?

You can get GitHub notifications in a few different ways:
  • Email: You can choose to receive email notifications for all of your GitHub activity, or you can choose to receive email notifications for specific events, such as comments on your code or pull requests.
  • Web browser: You can also view your notifications in your web browser. To do this, go to your profile page and click on the "Notifications" tab.
  • Mobile app: If you have the GitHub mobile app, you can also view your notifications in the app. To do this, open the app and tap on the "Notifications" tab.

How do I manage my GitHub notifications?

You can manage your GitHub notifications by going to your profile page and clicking on the "Notifications" tab. From there, you can:
  • Choose which events you want to receive notifications for.
  • Choose how you want to receive notifications.
  • Mark notifications as read or unread.
  • Delete notifications.

What are some tips for managing GitHub notifications?

  • Choose which events you want to receive notifications for. You don't need to receive notifications for every event that happens on GitHub. Choose the events that are most important to you and only receive notifications for those events.
  • Choose how you want to receive notifications. You can choose to receive email notifications, web browser notifications, or mobile app notifications. Choose the method that works best for you.
  • Mark notifications as read or unread. If you don't have time to deal with a notification right away, you can mark it as unread. This will keep it in your notifications list so you can come back to it later.
  • Delete notifications. If you don't need a notification anymore, you can delete it. This will remove it from your notifications list.

Help files

GitHub has a comprehensive set of help files that cover a wide range of topics, including:
  • Getting started: This section provides information on how to create an account, set up your first repository, and start collaborating with others.
  • Using GitHub: This section provides information on how to use the different features of GitHub, such as creating and managing repositories, managing pull requests, and using the issue tracker.
  • Collaborating on GitHub: This section provides information on how to collaborate with others on GitHub, such as using pull requests, the issue tracker, and code reviews.
  • Advanced topics: This section provides information on more advanced topics, such as using GitHub Actions, GitHub Pages, and GitHub Enterprise.
You can access the GitHub help files by clicking on the "Help" button in the top right corner of the GitHub website.

The GitHub guide

The GitHub Guide is a comprehensive resource for learning how to use GitHub. It covers everything from setting up your account to collaborating with others on projects.

The Guide is divided into several sections:
  • Getting started: This section provides information on how to create an account, set up your first repository, and start collaborating with others.
  • Using GitHub: This section provides information on how to use the different features of GitHub, such as creating and managing repositories, managing pull requests, and using the issue tracker.
  • Collaborating on GitHub: This section provides information on how to collaborate with others on GitHub, such as using pull requests, the issue tracker, and code reviews.
  • Advanced topics: This section provides information on more advanced topics, such as using GitHub Actions, GitHub Pages, and GitHub Enterprise.
The Guide is written in a clear and concise style, and it includes plenty of screenshots and examples to illustrate the concepts. It is an invaluable resource for anyone who wants to learn how to use GitHub.

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