R Language: A R Function to Cache the Inverse of a Matrix

Here's the implementation of the `makeCacheMatrix` function and `cacheSolve` function that cache the inverse of a matrix:

makeCacheMatrix <- function(x = matrix()) {
  inv <- NULL
  set <- function(y) {
    x <<- y
    inv <<- NULL
  get <- function() x
  setInverse <- function(inverse) inv <<- inverse
  getInverse <- function() inv
  list(set = set,
       get = get,
       setInverse = setInverse,
       getInverse = getInverse)
cacheSolve <- function(x, ...) {
  inv <- x$getInverse()
  if (!is.null(inv)) {
    message("getting cached inverse")
  data <- x$get()
  inv <- solve(data, ...)

You can use the `makeCacheMatrix` function to create a special "matrix" object that caches its inverse. The `cacheSolve` function then computes the inverse of the matrix and caches it for future use.

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