R Language: Random Sampling


Random sampling is a statistical method in which each member of a population has an equal chance of being selected. The sample represents a smaller and more manageable portion of the people that can be studied and analyzed. It's a fundamental technique to gather data and make inferences about a population. Random sampling is considered a fair and unbiased sample selection method. This type of sampling is the most straightforward sample selection method.

The sample() function in R allows you to randomly sample from a specified set of (scalar) objects. You can also use the sample() function to sample rows from a data frame or a list.

Examples of how to use the sample() function:

  • To randomly sample 4 numbers from 1 to 10, you would use the following code:

sample(1:10, 4)

  • To randomly sample 5 letters from the alphabet, you would use the following code:

sample(letters, 5)

  • To randomly permute the numbers from 1 to 10, you would use the following code:


To randomly sample 5 rows from the airquality data frame, you would use the following code:




idx <- seq_len(nrow(airquality))

samp <- sample(idx, 5)

airquality[samp, ]

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