R language: Reading Data Files with read.table()

The read.table() function is one of the most commonly used functions for reading data files in R. It can be used to read data from a variety of file formats, including CSV, tab-delimited, and Excel files. The read.table() function has a few important arguments:

  • file: The name of the file, or a connection.
  • header: A logical value indicating whether the file has a header line.
  • sep: A string indicating how the columns are separated.
  • colClasses: A character vector indicating the class of each column in the dataset.
  • nrows: The number of rows in the dataset.
  • comment.char: A character string indicating the comment character.
  • skip: The number of lines to skip from the beginning.
  • stringsAsFactors: Should character variables be coded as factors?

For small to moderately sized datasets, you can usually call read.table() without specifying any other arguments. In this case, R will automatically skip lines that begin with a #, figure out how many rows there are, and figure out what type of variable is in each column of the table. However, if you have a large dataset or if you want to control the behavior of read.table() more precisely, you can specify the other arguments.

The read.csv() function is identical to read.table() except that some of the defaults are set differently (like the sep argument). For example, by default, read.csv() assumes that the columns are separated by commas, while read.table() assumes that the columns are separated by whitespace.

Here is an example of how to use the read.table() function:

data <- read.table("data.csv", header=TRUE, sep=",")

This code will read the file "data.csv" and create a data frame called "data". The file "data.csv" is assumed to have a header line and the columns are separated by commas.

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