R Language: recover()


The recover() function in R can be used to debug code by allowing you to examine the environment in which an error occurred. When an error occurs, recover() will print out the function call stack and prompt you to select a frame. You can then use the browser to examine the environment of that frame. This can be useful for debugging errors that are difficult to track down, such as errors caused by corrupted data or mistaken modifications to R objects.

Here is an example of how to use recover():

options(error = recover)


This code will try to read a CSV file that does not exist. When the error occurs, recover() will print out the function call stack:

Enter a frame number, or 0 to exit

1: read.csv("nosuchfile")

2: read.table(file = file, header = header, sep = sep, quote = quote, dec =

3: file(file, "rt")

You can then select a frame number to examine the environment of that frame. For example, if you select frame 3, you will be able to see the following:

> environment(3)


- file: nosuchfile

- header: FALSE

- sep: ","

- quote: "\"

- dec: "."

This information can be helpful for debugging the error. For example, you can see that the file name that was passed to the file() function is "nosuchfile". This is the reason why the error occurred.

The recover() function is a powerful tool for debugging R code. It can be used to track down errors that are difficult to find using other methods.

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