Rust Programming Language: Cargo

Cargo is the heart and soul of Rust's build system and package management. If you're stepping into the world of Rust programming, it won't take you long to become well-acquainted with this indispensable tool. In this article, we'll delve into the various aspects of Cargo, from creating a new project to building and running it. So, if you're ready to embark on your Rust journey, let's start by saying "Hello, Cargo!"

Why Use Cargo?

Rustaceans, the endearing term for Rust developers, widely embrace Cargo as their go-to solution for project management. Cargo simplifies the development process by automating a multitude of tasks. Whether you're building your code, downloading libraries your project depends on (known as dependencies), or managing those dependencies, Cargo has you covered.

In its simplest form, Cargo is used to build your Rust code. If your project is as basic as the "Hello, world!" program, Cargo primarily handles the compilation process. However, as your Rust projects grow in complexity, you'll begin to introduce dependencies, making Cargo an indispensable part of your toolkit.

Getting Started with Cargo

Before you dive into the world of Cargo, ensure you have it installed. If you installed Rust through the official installers, Cargo comes bundled with it. You can verify its presence by opening your terminal and entering the following command:

$ cargo --version

If Cargo is installed, you'll see its version number displayed. Now, let's create a new project using Cargo.

Creating a Project with Cargo

To create a new Rust project using Cargo, navigate to your projects directory or any location where you prefer to store your code. Then, execute the following commands:

$ cargo new hello_cargo
$ cd hello_cargo

The first command, `cargo new`, creates a new project directory named `hello_cargo`. This directory contains all the files and structure necessary for a Rust project. When you list the contents of the `hello_cargo` directory, you'll observe that Cargo has generated two files and one directory for you: a `Cargo.toml` file and a `src` directory with a `` file inside. Additionally, Cargo initializes a new Git repository and generates a `.gitignore` file to handle version control. If you prefer to use a different version control system or none at all, you can specify this using the `--vcs` flag when running `cargo new`.

Understanding Cargo.toml

Now, let's take a closer look at the `Cargo.toml` file generated by Cargo:

name = "hello_cargo"
version = "0.1.0"
edition = "2021"

# See more keys and their definitions at


The `Cargo.toml` file is written in the TOML (Tom's Obvious, Minimal Language) format and serves as Cargo's configuration file. Let's break down its key components:
  • `[package]`: This section heading indicates that the following statements are configuring a package. As your project evolves, you may add more sections for different purposes.
  • `name`, `version`, and `edition`: These lines provide essential configuration information for Cargo. They specify the project's name, version, and the edition of Rust to use. The version number is an important identifier when managing dependencies.
  • `[dependencies]`: This section is where you list the dependencies your project relies on. In Rust, packages of code are referred to as crates, and you'll populate this section with crate dependencies as your project grows.


Within the `src` directory, you'll find a file named ``. Let's open it and examine its contents:

fn main() {
    println!("Hello, world!");
Cargo has generated a "Hello, world!" program for you, which should look quite familiar if you've followed any basic Rust tutorials. The key difference from the previous "Hello, world!" project we manually created is that Cargo places the code within the `src` directory, and you now have a `Cargo.toml` configuration file in the project's root directory.

Building and Running a Cargo Project

Now that you have your project set up, let's explore the process of building and running it using Cargo.

Building the Project

From your `hello_cargo` project directory, you can build your project using the following command:

$ cargo build

This command compiles your code and creates an executable file in the `target/debug` directory (or `target\debug` on Windows) instead of the current directory. Since this is a default debug build, Cargo places the binary in a directory called `debug`. To run the executable, you can use the following command:

$ ./target/debug/hello_cargo # or .\target\debug\hello_cargo.exe on Windows

If everything goes smoothly, you'll see "Hello, world!" printed to the terminal.

Additionally, when you run `cargo build` for the first time, Cargo generates a new file at the project's root level called `Cargo.lock`. This file keeps track of the exact versions of dependencies in your project. Even though the example project doesn't have any dependencies yet, `Cargo.lock` is a crucial part of managing more complex projects, and you won't need to modify it manually. Cargo takes care of maintaining this file for you.

Simplified Building and Running

To simplify the build and run process, Cargo provides the `cargo run` command. It compiles the code and runs the resulting executable in a single step:

$ cargo run

Notice that when using `cargo run`, there's no explicit indication that Cargo is compiling the project. This is because Cargo intelligently detects whether the source code has changed since the last build. If there are no changes, Cargo will run the existing binary. However, if you've made modifications, Cargo will rebuild the project and then execute it.

Fast Error Checking with `cargo check`

In addition to `cargo build` and `cargo run`, Cargo offers a valuable command called `cargo check`. This command quickly checks your code to ensure it compiles correctly but doesn't produce an executable. Here's how you can use it:

$ cargo check

The output will indicate whether your code compiles successfully. Why might you prefer not to produce an executable? Well, `cargo check` is significantly faster than `cargo build` because it skips the step of creating an executable. It's an excellent choice if you're continuously checking your work as you write code, as it speeds up the process of identifying compilation issues. Rustaceans often use `cargo check` during development and switch to `cargo build` when they're ready to obtain an executable.

Building for Release

When your project is ready for release, you can utilize the `cargo build --release` command. This will compile your project with optimizations, creating an executable in the `target/release` directory instead of `target/debug`. The optimizations improve the runtime performance of your Rust code. However, keep in mind that enabling optimizations also prolongs the compilation time. If you're benchmarking your code's performance, be sure to use `cargo build --release` and benchmark with the executable in the `target/release`

Cargo as a Development Convention

Now that you're familiar with the basics of using Cargo for Rust project management, let's discuss how Cargo becomes an invaluable convention, especially as your projects become more complex. While for simple projects, using Rust's compiler (`rustc`) might seem sufficient, as your Rust programming journey progresses, you'll come to appreciate the advantages of using Cargo.

Simplifying Complex Projects

As your Rust programs evolve and grow in complexity, the need for an efficient and organized build system becomes increasingly apparent. Cargo excels in managing intricate projects, offering a structured and streamlined approach to code organization and dependency management.

One of the key areas where Cargo shines is when your project consists of multiple source code files. Cargo automatically tracks dependencies, compiles and links them together, simplifying the build process significantly. You don't need to keep track of the dependencies and their order manually; Cargo takes care of this for you.

Handling Dependencies

One of the most significant advantages of Cargo is its dependency management system. As your project expands and requires external libraries or crates to function correctly, Cargo makes it easy to declare and manage these dependencies. You can specify the required dependencies in the `Cargo.toml` file, and Cargo will automatically download and build them for your project. This feature ensures that your project remains up-to-date and compatible with the latest versions of the required libraries.

Version Control Integration

Cargo also seamlessly integrates with version control systems like Git, making it a powerful tool for collaborative development. When working on existing projects or contributing to open-source software, you can use Cargo in conjunction with Git. Here's a typical workflow:
  • Clone the repository using Git:
   $ git clone

Change to the project's directory:

   $ cd someproject

Build the project with Cargo:

   $ cargo build

By following this workflow, you can quickly get started with existing Rust projects, even those with numerous dependencies, complex structures, and multiple contributors. Cargo ensures that the project's build process is consistent and straightforward across different development environments and platforms.

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