HTML is a language that is used to create web pages. HTML stands for HyperText Markup Language, which means that it uses tags and attributes to define the structure and content of a web page. HTML also allows you to link different web pages using hyperlinks, which are text or images that can be clicked to go to another web page.

HTML has many tags and attributes that can be used to create different types of elements on a web page, such as headings, paragraphs, lists, tables, images, forms, and more. Each tag has a specific meaning and function, and some tags have attributes that provide additional information or options for the tag. For example, the <img> tag is used to insert an image on a web page, and it has an attribute called src that specifies the source or URL of the image.

HTML is not a programming language, but a markup language that describes the structure and content of a web page. HTML is interpreted by web browsers, which are software applications that display web pages on your screen. Web browsers can also use other technologies, such as CSS and JavaScript, to enhance the appearance and functionality of web pages.



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