C Programming Language: Notation

In the realm of C programming, the notation used plays a crucial role in defining the syntax and semantics of the language. This article provides an overview of the notation used in C programming.

The notation in C programming is a set of rules and conventions that dictate how programs in the C language are written and interpreted. Here are some key aspects of C notation:
  • Syntactic Categories (Nonterminals): In the syntax notation used in C programming, syntactic categories, also known as nonterminals, are indicated by italic type. A nonterminal is a symbol that represents a category of similar language structures.
  • Literal Words and Character Set Members (Terminals): Literal words and character set members, also known as terminals, are indicated by bold type. Terminals are the basic symbols from which strings are formed.
  • Definition Introduction: A colon (:) following a nonterminal introduces its definition. Alternative definitions are listed on separate lines, except when prefaced by the words "one of".
  • Optional Symbol: An optional symbol is indicated by the subscript "opt". For example, `{ expressionopt }` indicates an optional expression enclosed in braces.
  • Referencing Syntactic Categories: When syntactic categories are referred to in the main text, they are not italicized and words are separated by spaces instead of hyphens.
The notation used in C programming is fundamental to writing and understanding C programs. It provides a structured way to write programs and is a crucial aspect of the language's syntax.

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