C Programming Language: Execution Environments

The execution environment in C18 can be primarily divided into two models: the hosted environment and the freestanding environment.

1. Hosted Environment:
  • This is the usual environment where C programs run under a full operating system like Windows, Linux, or macOS.
  •  It provides a rich standard library, including facilities for input-output operations, string handling, mathematical computations, and more.
  • Example of execution flow in a hosted environment:
     int main() {
         printf("Hello, World!\n");
         return 0;
Here, the `main` function serves as the entry point, and it uses standard library functions such as `printf`.

2. Freestanding Environment:
  • In this environment, C programs run without the support of an operating system, often on embedded systems or microcontrollers.
  • The standard library support is minimal, mostly limited to a subset of essential headers such as ``, ``, and ``.
  • A typical freestanding environment setup:
     void main(void) {
         // Initialize hardware
         // Execute core logic
         while (1) {
             // Main loop
Here, the `main` function does not expect any arguments and can have an infinite loop to keep the program running.

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