Creating a C Function or Macro to Merge Integers a and b into 3612 without using Arithmetic or Predefined Functions


One way to solve this problem in C is to use bit manipulation to combine the values of a and b into a single integer. Here is an example function that uses bit shifting and bitwise OR to achieve this:

Here is an example of how the macro would look like:

In this example, the sizeof operator is used to determine the number of bytes in the a variable, which is then multiplied by 8 to get the number of bits. The value of a is then shifted left by this number of bits, and the bitwise OR operator is used to combine the two values. This will give you the combined number of 3612.

It is important to note that the above code will work only if the data type a and b are unsigned int and the output will also be unsigned int, if the data types are different then the output will also be different.

This is a valid solution that uses the preprocessor concatenation operator (##) to combine the values of a and b into a single integer. The preprocessor concatenation operator concatenates two tokens together. In this case, it concatenates the string literal "12" and "36" to form the integer 3612.

The printf function is used to print the result to the console. The %d format specifier tells printf to interpret the argument as an integer.

it is not possible to write a C function or macro that returns 3612 without using arithmetic, strings or predefined functions, as combining two numbers into a single integer requires arithmetic operations or predefined functions to be used.

This program will output "3612" as the output. This is a valid solution to the problem as it uses predefined function printf but it doesn't use any arithmetic operation.

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