Understanding the OFFSETOF Macro in C Program


The OFFSETOF() macro in C is used to determine the offset, in bytes, of a field within a struct. The macro takes two arguments: the name of the struct and the name of the field. The result is the offset, in bytes, of the field within the struct. It is defined in the <stddef.h> header.

The OFFSETOF macro takes a struct type and the name of a field within that struct as arguments, and uses a null pointer to the struct type and the field's name to determine the offset, in bytes, of the field within the struct. The macro works by taking the address of the field within a struct created at memory address 0, which is not a valid memory address and can't be dereferenced. By taking the address of the field in this way, we can determine the offset of the field within the struct without having to create an instance of the struct.

An example usage:

This would output "Offset of b: 4" because the b field is located 4 bytes after the beginning of the struct example.

It's worth noting that the OFFSETOF macro is a non-standard C feature, and its behavior may vary between different compilers and platforms. It's also important to keep in mind that the macro only works for plain old data (POD) types, which are structs and unions that do not have user-defined constructors or destructors.


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