What is Data Structure?


A data structure is a way to organize and store data in computer memory, so that it can be accessed and manipulated efficiently. It defines a set of rules or operations for organizing and manipulating data in a particular way.

Data structures can be divided into two categories: primitive and non-primitive. Primitive data structures include basic data types such as integers, floating-point numbers, characters, and Boolean values. Non-primitive data structures are more complex and include arrays, linked lists, stacks, queues, trees, and graphs.

Arrays, for example, are a collection of elements of the same type, arranged in contiguous memory locations, with each element accessible by an index. Linked lists, on the other hand, are a collection of nodes, each containing a value and a pointer to the next node, allowing for dynamic memory allocation.

Choosing the right data structure is important for the performance of a program. The selection of the appropriate data structure depends on the nature of the data being processed, the operations that need to be performed on it, and the constraints of the application. A good understanding of data structures is essential for developing efficient algorithms and writing high-quality software.

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