Rust Programming: Functionality with Derived Traits

In Rust, we can add useful functionality to our types by using derived traits. A derived trait is a trait that the compiler can automatically implement for our type. One useful derived trait is Debug, which allows us to print our type in a way that is useful for debugging. To add the Debug trait to our type, we use the #[derive(Debug)] attribute. For example, the following code defines a struct called `Rectangle` and adds the Debug trait to it:

struct Rectangle {
    width: u32,
    height: u32,

Now, we can print a `Rectangle` instance using the `{:?}` placeholder in a `println!()` macro:

let rect1 = Rectangle {
    width: 30,
    height: 50,

println!("rect1 is {:?}", rect1);

This will print the following output:

rect1 is Rectangle { width: 30, height: 50 }

As you can see, the `{:?}` placeholder prints the values of all the fields in the `Rectangle` struct. This can be helpful when we are debugging our code and need to see the values of the variables in our program.

Another way to print a value using the Debug format is to use the `dbg!()` macro. The `dbg!()` macro takes an expression as its argument and prints the value of that expression to the standard error stream (stderr). The following code shows how to use the `dbg!()` macro:

let scale = 2;
let rect1 = Rectangle {
    width: dbg!(30 * scale),
    height: 50,


This code will print the following output to the standard error stream:

[src/] 30 * scale = 60
[src/] &rect1 = Rectangle {
    width: 60,
    height: 50,

The first line of output shows the value of the expression `30 * scale`, which is 60. The second line of output shows the value of the struct `rect1`. The `dbg!()` macro can be very helpful when we are debugging our code and need to see the values of variables or expressions.

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