Rust Programming: Methods with More Parameters


Methods with more parameters are methods that can take more than one input parameter. In Rust, methods are defined within the impl block of a struct or enum. The syntax for defining a method with more parameters is the same as the syntax for defining a function with more parameters. For example, the following code defines a method called `can_hold` on the `Rectangle` struct that takes two parameters: an immutable borrow of another `Rectangle` and a Boolean.

impl Rectangle {

    fn can_hold(&self, other: &Rectangle) -> bool {

        self.width > other.width && self.height > other.height



The `can_hold` method can be called like any other method. For example, the following code calls the `can_hold` method on the `rect1` variable and passes in the `rect2` variable as the first parameter.

let rect1 = Rectangle {

    width: 30,

    height: 50,


let rect2 = Rectangle {

    width: 10,

    height: 40,


let can_hold = rect1.can_hold(&rect2);

The `can_hold` method returns a Boolean value. In this case, the method will return `true` if the `rect1` variable is large enough to hold the `rect2` variable, and `false` otherwise.

Methods with more parameters can be used to perform more complex operations on structs or enums. They can also be used to pass in more information to a method, which can make the method more flexible and reusable.

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