Printing Constants and Variables in Swift Programming Language


 Here are the steps on how to print constants and variables in Swift:

  • Declare a constant or variable.
  • Use the print() function to print the value of the constant or variable.
  • Optionally, specify a separator and terminator for the output.

Here is an example of how to print a constant:

let myConstant = 10


This will print the value of myConstant, which is 10, to the console.

You can also specify a separator and terminator for the output. The separator is a string that is inserted between each value that is printed. The terminator is a string that is inserted at the end of the output.

Here is an example of how to specify a separator and terminator:

let myConstant = 10
let myOtherConstant = 20

print("The value of myConstant is (myConstant), and the value of myOtherConstant is (myOtherConstant)")

This will print the following to the console:

The value of myConstant is 10, and the value of myOtherConstant is 20

The separator is a comma, and the terminator is a newline character.

You can also use string interpolation to print the value of a constant or variable. String interpolation allows you to insert the value of a constant or variable into a string.

Here is an example of how to use string interpolation:

let myConstant = 10

print("The value of myConstant is \(myConstant)")

This will print the following to the console:

The value of myConstant is 10

The value of myConstant is inserted into the string at the placeholder \(myConstant).

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