Swift Programming Language Evolution


Swift Evolution is an open process for proposing and discussing changes to the Swift programming language. It provides a platform for developers and community members to contribute ideas, improvements, and enhancements to the language.

The Swift Evolution process consists of the following steps:

  • Proposal: The process begins with the submission of a proposal. Anyone can propose a change to the Swift language by creating a new document following the Swift Evolution template. The proposal should clearly explain the motivation, the proposed solution, and potential impact on existing code.
  • Review: Once a proposal is submitted, it goes through a review process. The Swift community, including the core team and the broader community, review the proposal and provide feedback. This feedback can include suggestions, concerns, and alternative approaches.
  • Revision: Based on the feedback received during the review process, the proposal author may revise and refine the proposal. This includes addressing concerns, making necessary adjustments, and incorporating community suggestions. The proposal author can update the proposal document with the revised version.
  • Decision: After the review and revision phase, the core team makes a decision on whether to accept or reject the proposal. The decision is based on various factors, including the proposal's impact on the language, its alignment with Swift's design goals, and the level of community support.
  • Implementation: If a proposal is accepted, the implementation phase begins. The proposal author or other community members work on implementing the proposed changes to the Swift compiler, standard library, or related components. The implementation is typically done on the Swift GitHub repository.
  • Integration: Once the changes are implemented, they go through the integration process. The implementation is tested, reviewed, and merged into the main Swift codebase. It becomes part of the official Swift language in a future release.

The Swift Evolution process is transparent and encourages active participation from the Swift community. It allows developers to shape the language and contribute to its evolution. The proposals, reviews, and decisions are publicly accessible, fostering collaboration and discussion among community members.

You can find the Swift Evolution proposals and discussions on the Swift forums under the Evolution category. This is where you can learn about proposed changes, participate in discussions, and stay up-to-date with the ongoing evolution of the Swift programming language.

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