Rust Programming: Slice Type


A slice type is a reference to a contiguous sequence of elements in a collection rather than the whole collection. A slice is a kind of reference, so it does not have ownership. Here is an example of a slice:

let s = "hello world";

let slice = &s[0..5]; // slice of the first 5 characters

The slice `slice` refers to the first 5 characters of the string `s`. The slice is a reference, so it does not have ownership of the data it points to. This means that the slice will not be dropped when it goes out of scope.

Slices can be used to access parts of a collection without having to copy the entire collection. This can be useful for performance reasons, and it can also be helpful for avoiding errors. For example, the following code uses a slice to access the first 5 characters of a string:

let s = "hello world";

let slice = &s[0..5];

println!("{}", slice); // hello

The code does not copy the entire string `s`. Instead, it uses a slice to access the first 5 characters of the string. This is more efficient than copying the entire string, and it also helps to avoid errors.

If the string `s` is modified after the slice is created, the slice will not be affected. This is because the slice does not have ownership of the data it points to.

Slices are a powerful tool for accessing parts of collections. They can be used to improve performance, avoid errors, and make code more concise.

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