Rust Programming: Matching with Option


Matching with Option<T> is a way to handle the Option<T> enum in Rust. The Option<T> enum has two variants: None and Some(value). The None variant represents a lack of value, while the Some(value) variant represents a value of type T.

To match with Option<T>, you use the match expression. The match expression takes an Option<T> value and compares it to different patterns. If the value matches a pattern, the code in the corresponding match arm is executed. For example, the following code uses match to handle the Option<i32> value x:

fn plus_one(x: Option<i32>) -> Option<i32> {

    match x {

        None => None,

        Some(i) => Some(i + 1),



The first match arm matches the value None. If x is None, the code in the first match arm is executed, which returns the value None.

The second match arm matches the value Some(i). If x is Some(i), the code in the second match arm is executed, which adds 1 to the value of i and returns the new value Some(i + 1).

The match expression ensures that all possible cases are handled. If the value of x does not match any of the patterns, the compiler will generate an error.

Matching with Option<T> is a powerful way to handle optional values in Rust. It is a concise and elegant way to write code that can handle both the presence and absence of values.

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