Diversity in Swift Programming Language


Diversity in Swift is a community-led effort to make the Swift community more inclusive and welcoming to people of all backgrounds. The workgroup is made up of volunteers from all over the world, and they are working on a variety of projects to achieve their goals.

Some of the work that the Diversity in Swift workgroup is doing includes:

  • Creating resources and materials that are accessible to people of all backgrounds
  • Organizing events and meetups that are welcoming to people of all backgrounds
  • Providing mentorship and support to people from underrepresented groups
  • Advocating for changes to the Swift community that will make it more inclusive

The Diversity in Swift workgroup is committed to making the Swift community a place where everyone feels welcome and valued. If you are interested in getting involved, you can find more information on the Diversity in Swift website.

Here are some of the ways that you can help to promote diversity in the Swift community:

  • Be an ally. Speak up when you see someone being excluded or discriminated against.
  • Be inclusive. Make an effort to welcome people from all backgrounds into your community.
  • Be supportive. Offer your help and encouragement to people who are trying to learn Swift.
  • Be a mentor. Share your knowledge and experience with others.
  • Be an advocate. Speak up for changes that will make the Swift community more inclusive.

By working together, we can make the Swift community a place where everyone feels welcome and valued.


The Diversity in Swift workgroup is committed to making the Swift community a place where everyone feels welcome and valued. They believe that diversity enriches the community with new ideas and perspectives, and they are working to create a more inclusive environment for all developers.

The workgroup is focused on three main areas:

  • Pathways: The workgroup is working to create more pathways for people from underrepresented groups to get involved in the Swift community. This includes providing resources and support for people who are learning Swift, as well as organizing events and meetups that are welcoming to people of all backgrounds.
  • Engagement and retention: The workgroup is also working to increase the engagement and retention of developers from underrepresented groups. This includes providing mentorship and support to help people from these groups succeed in their careers, as well as advocating for changes to the Swift community that will make it more inclusive.
  • Leadership and technical expertise: The workgroup is also working to help developers from underrepresented groups establish leadership and technical expertise within the Swift community. This includes providing opportunities for people from these groups to contribute to the Swift open source project, as well as advocating for changes to the Swift community that will create more opportunities for leadership and technical expertise.

Community Groups

  • Women in Swift: This community group is for women who are interested in Swift development. The group provides a safe and supportive space for women to learn, collaborate, and connect with other women in the Swift community.
  • Black in Swift: This community group is for Black developers who are interested in Swift development. The group provides a safe and supportive space for Black developers to learn, collaborate, and connect with other Black developers in the Swift community.
  • Pride in Swift: This community group is for LGBTQ+ developers who are interested in Swift development. The group provides a safe and supportive space for LGBTQ+ developers to learn, collaborate, and connect with other LGBTQ+ developers in the Swift community.
If you’re interested in joining one of these groups, please message diversity-workgroup on the Swift Forums, and briefly answer the following questions:
  • Which community group(s) would you like to join?
  • What support do you hope to get out of this community group?


Diversity in Swift will occasionally host virtual events and meetups for networking within the Swift community and the various community groups.

Community-focused blog on Swift.org

The Diversity in Swift workgroup will include posts on the Swift.org blog that recognize and highlight the work being done by developers across our community. The Diversity in Swift workgroup will use the Community Showcase to brainstorm ideas and topics for these community-focused blog posts. Please post any recommendations that you think Swift users would be interested in hearing more about on the Community Showcase, along with a brief description of why you found that work helpful or inspiring. Occasionally, the Diversity in Swift workgroup may also post a Call For Participation to solicit recommendations about a specific Swift topic.

Community Participation

  • Join a community group: There are several community groups for people of all backgrounds and identities. These groups are a great way to connect with other developers, learn new things, and get involved in the Swift community. You can find a list of community groups on the Diversity in Swift website.
  • Propose a new community group or program: If you have an idea for a new community group or program, please share it with the Diversity in Swift workgroup. They are always looking for new ways to make the Swift community more inclusive and welcoming.
  • Share Swift content on the Community Showcase: The Community Showcase is a great place to share Swift content, such as blog posts, tutorials, and code. This is a great way to get the word out about Swift and to help others learn.
  • Encourage participation and highlight work from developers who are currently underrepresented in the community: It is important to encourage participation from all members of the Swift community, including those who are currently underrepresented. You can do this by being welcoming and inclusive, and by highlighting the work of underrepresented developers.
  • Help newcomers: If you are an experienced Swift developer, you can help newcomers learn and grow by answering questions on the Swift Forums, improving open source Swift documentation, and searching for or creating good first issues.

Swift Mentorship Program

  • Fill out the interest survey. The interest survey is not an application; it will simply tell the Diversity in Swift workgroup about your technical interests and learning goals. This information will be used to help match you with a suitable mentor.
  • Be patient. The Diversity in Swift workgroup may not be able to match every interested mentee if there aren't enough mentors, or if none of the mentors are equipped to help with your specific learning goals.
  • Be prepared to work hard. The Swift Mentorship Program is a great opportunity to learn, but it also requires a commitment of time and effort. Be prepared to work with your mentor on open source contributions for 12 weeks.

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