Error Handling in Swift Programming Language


Error handling in Swift is a way to handle unexpected errors that may occur during the execution of your code. Swift provides a number of features to help you write code that is robust and handles errors gracefully.

Error Types

Swift defines a number of error types, which are represented by enumerations. These enumerations can be used to define the specific types of errors that can occur in your code. For example, the following enumeration defines two error types: `FileNotFoundError` and `InvalidDataError`:

enum FileError: Error {

  case fileNotFound

  case invalidData


Throwing Functions

Functions that can throw errors are marked with the `throws` keyword. When you call a `throws` function, you must use the `try` keyword to indicate that you are expecting an error to be thrown. If an error is thrown, the `try` keyword will cause the execution of the function to stop and the error will be propagated to the surrounding code.

The following function is an example of a `throws` function:

func readFile(path: String) throws -> Data {

  // ...

  return data


Handling Errors

There are a number of ways to handle errors in Swift. One way is to use the `do-catch` statement. The `do-catch` statement allows you to specify a block of code that should be executed if an error is thrown. The following code shows how to use the `do-catch` statement to handle errors that are thrown by the `readFile()` function:

do {

  let data = try readFile(path: "myfile.txt")

  // ...

} catch FileError.fileNotFound {

  print("File not found")

} catch FileError.invalidData {

  print("Invalid data")


Another way to handle errors is to use optionals. Optionals are a type that can either contain a value or be empty. When an error is thrown, it is converted to an empty optional. The following code shows how to use optionals to handle errors that are thrown by the `readFile()` function:

let data = try? readFile(path: "myfile.txt")

if let data = data {

  // ...

} else {

  // Handle error


Finally, you can also use the `assert()` function to assert that an error will not occur. If an error does occur, the `assert()` function will cause your program to crash. The following code shows how to use the `assert()` function to assert that an error will not occur when calling the `readFile()` function:

assert(try! readFile(path: "myfile.txt"))

Error Recovery

When an error is thrown, you should try to recover from the error as gracefully as possible. This may involve retrying the operation that caused the error, providing the user with an error message, or logging the error and then continuing execution.

Error Logging

It is important to log errors so that you can track down and fix the problems that are causing them. Swift provides a number of ways to log errors. One way is to use the `print()` function to print the error message to the console. Another way is to use the `NSLog()` function to log the error message to the system log.

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