How to create a R Markdown document in R Studio?


To create an R Markdown document in R Studio, follow these steps:

  • Open R Studio.
  • Click on the "File" menu and select "New File".
  • Select "R Markdown" from the list of file types.
  • Give your document a name and save it with the .Rmd extension.
  • The RStudio IDE will open a new window with the following code:

title: "My R Markdown Document"

author: "Your Name"

date: "2023-06-13"

output: html_document

  • You can now start writing your document. You can mix text and R code in your document. To insert R code, use the following syntax:


# Your R code goes here

When you are finished writing your document, click on the "Knit" button in the top right corner of the RStudio IDE. This will generate a new file with the same name as your R Markdown document, but with the output format you specified in the YAML header. For example, if you specified an HTML output format, the new file will be an HTML document.


  • You can use the "Knit Preview" button to preview the output of your document without actually generating a new file.
  • You can use the "Knit to HTML" button to generate an HTML document.
  • You can use the "Knit to PDF" button to generate a PDF document.
  • You can use the "Knit to Word" button to generate a Microsoft Word document.
  • You can use the "Knit to Beamer" button to generate a presentation in the Beamer format.

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