Numeric Literals in Swift Programming Language


Numeric literals are values that represent numbers. They can be used in expressions to perform calculations or to initialize variables.

There are four types of numeric literals in Swift:

  • Integer literals
  • Floating-point literals
  • Complex literals
  • Boolean literals

Integer Literals

Integer literals represent whole numbers. They can be written in decimal, binary, octal, or hexadecimal format.

  • Decimal literals are the most common type of integer literal. They do not have any prefix.
  • Binary literals begin with a 0b prefix.
  • Octal literals begin with a 0o prefix.
  • Hexadecimal literals begin with a 0x prefix.

Here are some examples of integer literals:

123  // Decimal

0b101011  // Binary

0o77  // Octal

0x7b  // Hexadecimal

Floating-Point Literals

Floating-point literals represent numbers with decimal points. They can be written in decimal or hexadecimal format.

  • Decimal floating-point literals do not have any prefix.
  • Hexadecimal floating-point literals begin with a 0x prefix.

Here are some examples of floating-point literals:

123.45  // Decimal

0x1.23p2  // Hexadecimal

Complex Literals

Complex literals represent numbers with imaginary parts. They are written as a pair of floating-point literals separated by a + or - sign.

Here is an example of a complex literal:

1 + 2i

Boolean Literals

Boolean literals represent the values true and false. They are written as the keywords true and false.

Here are some examples of Boolean literals:



Numeric literals can be used in expressions to perform calculations. For example, the following expression adds two integer literals:

let x = 1 + 2

Numeric literals can also be used to initialize variables. For example, the following code initializes a variable named `x` to the value 10:

var x = 10

Numeric literals are a powerful tool that can be used to represent numbers in Swift code. They can be used in expressions to perform calculations and to initialize variables.

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