R Language: Col/Row Sums and Means


In R, the `apply()` function is used to apply a function to a vector or matrix along a specified axis. The `axis` argument can be either 1 or 2, which corresponds to rows and columns, respectively.

For example, the following code would calculate the sum of each row in a matrix:

row_sums <- apply(x, 1, sum)

The `rowSums()` function is a shortcut for this code, and it is more efficient because it is specifically optimized for calculating row sums.

The `colSums()`, `rowMeans()`, and `colMeans()` functions are similar, and they calculate the sum and mean of each column and row in a matrix, respectively.

These functions are useful for summarizing data, and they can be used to calculate descriptive statistics such as the mean, median, and standard deviation.

Benefits of using the `rowSums()`, `colSums()`, `rowMeans()`, and `colMeans()` functions

  • They are more efficient than using the `apply()` function.
  • They are more descriptive, which makes your code easier to read and understand.
  • They are available in most statistical software packages, so you can use them regardless of your preferred programming language.

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