R Language: grepl()


The grepl() function in R is used to check for matches of characters or sequences of characters in a given string. It returns a logical vector indicating which element of a character vector contains the match.

The syntax for the grepl() function is as follows:

grepl(pattern, x)

  • pattern: The pattern that you want to search for. This can be a regular expression or a simple string.
  • x: The character vector that you want to search.

The grepl() function returns a logical vector of the same length as the input vector. The elements of the logical vector are TRUE if the corresponding element of the input vector matches the pattern, and FALSE otherwise.

For example, the following code will check if any of the elements of the `state.name` vector start with the word "New":

g <- grepl("^New", state.name)

The `g` variable will now contain a logical vector that indicates which elements of the `state.name` vector start with the word "New". The following code will print out the elements of the `state.name` vector that start with the word "New":


This code will print out the following:

[1] "New Hampshire" "New Jersey"    "New Mexico"    "New York"     

As you can see, the grepl() function can be used to quickly and easily find matches of patterns in character vectors.

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