R Language: The readr Package


The readr package is a great way to read tabular data into R. It provides a number of advantages over the base R functions, such as read.table() and read.csv().

Here are some of the benefits of using the readr package:

  • It is faster than the base R functions.
  • It provides a more detailed specification of column types.
  • It can read compressed files automatically.
  • It provides a progress meter while the file is being read.

Here is an example of how to use the readr package to read a CSV file:


data <- read_csv("data.csv")

This will read the CSV file `data.csv` into a data frame in R. The `read_csv()` function will automatically infer the types of the columns in the data frame.

If you want to specify the types of the columns explicitly, you can use the `col_types` argument. For example, the following code will read the CSV file `data.csv` and store the first column as a character vector and the second column as an integer vector:

data <- read_csv("data.csv", col_types = "cc")

The readr package also provides a number of other functions for reading tabular data, such as `read_tsv()`, `read_table()`, and `read_fwf()`.

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