R Language: sub() and gsub()


In R programming, the `sub()` and `gsub()` functions are used for pattern matching and replacement in strings. Here's an explanation of these functions with a new example:

`sub()` function

 The `sub()` function is used to substitute the first occurrence of a pattern in a string with a replacement value.

 Example: Let's say we have a string "Hello World!" and we want to replace the word "World" with "Universe". We can use `sub()` for this.

   string <- "Hello World!"

   new_string <- sub("World", "Universe", string)



   Hello Universe!

   In this example, the pattern "World" is matched in the string and replaced with "Universe".

`gsub()` function

   The `gsub()` function is similar to `sub()`, but it replaces all occurrences of the pattern in a string.

  Example: Let's consider the same string "Hello World!" and replace all occurrences of the letter "l" with "X".

   string <- "Hello World!"

   new_string <- gsub("l", "X", string)



   HeXXo WorXd!

   In this example, all occurrences of the letter "l" are replaced with "X"

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