R Language: Vectorized Operations


Vectorized operations are operations that occur in parallel in certain R objects. This allows you to write code that is efficient, concise, and easier to read than in non-vectorized languages.

For example, the following code adds two vectors together:

x <- 1:4

y <- 6:9

z <- x + y

This code is vectorized, so the addition operation is performed on each element of the vectors x and y, and the result is a new vector z.

Another example of a vectorized operation is a logical comparison. The following code checks which elements of a vector are greater than 2:

x <- 1:4

x > 2

This code returns a logical vector of TRUE and FALSE, indicating which elements of x are greater than 2.

Vectorized operations can be used with a wide variety of R objects, including vectors, matrices, and data frames. They are a powerful tool that can help you write efficient and concise code.

Examples of vectorized operations

  • `x * y` multiplies each element of x by each element of y.
  • `x / y` divides each element of x by each element of y.
  • `x ^ y` raises each element of x to the power of each element of y.
  • `abs(x)` returns the absolute value of each element of x.
  • `log(x)` returns the natural logarithm of each element of x.

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