R Language: Vectorizing a Function


Vectorizing a function means making it so that the function can take vector arguments and return a vector result. This is often done using the `mapply()` function, which takes a function and a list of arguments and applies the function to each combination of arguments.

For example, the following function computes the sum of squares for a given set of data:

sumsq <- function(x) {

  sum((x - mean(x))^2)


This function can be vectorized by using the `mapply()` function:

sumsq_vec <- mapply(sumsq, x)

This will create a new function, `sumsq_vec`, that can take a vector of data as input and return a vector of sum of squares as output.

The `Vectorize()` function can also be used to vectorize a function. This function takes a function and a list of arguments that should be vectorized, and it returns a new function that is vectorized for those arguments.

For example, the following code vectorizes the `sumsq()` function for the `mu` and `sigma` arguments:

sumsq_vec <- Vectorize(sumsq, c("mu", "sigma"))

This will create a new function, `sumsq_vec`, that can take vectors of `mu` and `sigma` as input and return a vector of sum of squares as output.

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