R Language: Parallel Package


The parallel package in R is used to parallelize computations across multiple cores. It includes functions like mclapply() which can be used to distribute tasks to multiple cores, and detectCores() which can be used to get the number of cores available on your machine.

The parallel package is a powerful tool for speeding up R code, but it's important to use it carefully. For example, if you're running other operations in the background besides R, you may not want to use all of the cores on your machine. Additionally, the information from detectCores() should be used cautiously as it's not always reliable.


  • Increased speed: Parallelized code can run much faster than sequential code, especially on machines with multiple cores.
  • Reduced memory usage: Parallelized code can often use less memory than sequential code, because it can distribute the data across multiple cores.
  • Improved scalability: Parallelized code can be scaled up to run on larger datasets or more powerful machines.


  • Increased complexity: Parallelized code can be more complex to write and debug than sequential code.
  • Increased overhead: There is some overhead associated with parallelizing code, so it may not always be faster than sequential code for small datasets.
  • Potential for errors: If parallelized code is not written carefully, it can be more prone to errors.


mclapply() is a function in the parallel package in R that allows you to parallelize the execution of a function across multiple cores. This can be useful for speeding up computations that can be broken down into independent tasks.

The mclapply() function takes two main arguments: the first is a list or list-like object that contains the data to be processed, and the second is a function that will be applied to each element of the list. The function will be applied in parallel to each element of the list, and the results will be returned as a list.

For example, the following code uses mclapply() to compute the 90th percentile of sulfate for each of the 332 monitors in the specdata dataset:


infiles <- dir("specdata", full.names = TRUE)

specdata <- lapply(infiles, read.csv)

mn <- mclapply(specdata, function(df) {

  quantile(df$sulfate, 0.9, na.rm = TRUE)

}, mc.cores = 4)

This code will first read in the data from the specdata dataset into a list of data frames. Then, it will use mclapply() to apply the quantile() function to each data frame in the list, computing the 90th percentile of sulfate for each monitor. The results will be returned as a list.

The mc.cores argument to mclapply() specifies the number of cores to use for parallelization. In this example, we are using 4 cores, so the code will be executed in parallel on 4 different cores. This will speed up the computation, as the 90th percentile of sulfate will be computed for each monitor in parallel.

The mclapply() function is a powerful tool that can be used to speed up computations in R. However, it is important to note that not all computations will benefit from parallelization. For example, if the computation is already very fast, then parallelization may not make a significant difference. Additionally, if the computation is not easily broken down into independent tasks, then parallelization may not be possible.

Error Handling

Error handling is a way to deal with unexpected errors that may occur during the execution of a program. In R, there are a few different ways to handle errors. One way is to use the `try()` function. The `try()` function will attempt to execute the code inside of it, but if an error occurs, the `try()` function will catch the error and return an object of class `try-error`.

Another way to handle errors in R is to use the `tryCatch()` function. The `tryCatch()` function allows you to specify what should happen if an error occurs. For example, you could use the `tryCatch()` function to print a message to the console if an error occurs, or you could use it to continue execution of the program even if an error occurs.

The code below shows an example of how to use the `try()` function to handle errors in R.

x <- 1

y <- 0


  z <- x / y

}, error = function(e) {



This code will attempt to divide `x` by `y`. However, since `y` is equal to 0, this will cause an error. The `tryCatch()` function will catch the error and print a message to the console.

The code below shows an example of how to use the `tryCatch()` function to handle errors in R.

x <- 1

y <- 0


  z <- x / y

}, error = function(e) {


}, finally = {

  print("This code will always run, even if an error occurs.")


This code will do the same thing as the previous code, but it will also print a message to the console at the end, even if an error occurs.

Error handling is an important part of programming. By using error handling, you can ensure that your programs will continue to run even if unexpected errors occur.

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