What are some easy R Markdown commands?


Here are some easy R Markdown commands that you can use to create dynamic documents that combine text, code, and output:

  • Markdown is a lightweight markup language that is used to create formatted text. You can use Markdown to create headings, lists, tables, and other elements in your R Markdown documents.
  • R code chunks allow you to run R code in your documents. The output of the R code will be displayed in the document.
  • LaTeX is a typesetting system that can be used to create equations and other mathematical expressions in your documents.

Here are some examples of easy R Markdown commands:

To create a heading, use the `#` symbol. For example, to create a heading called "This is a Heading", you would use the following code:

# This is a Heading

To create a list, use the asterisk (*) symbol. For example, to create a list of items called "My List", you would use the following code:

  • * Item 1
  • * Item 2
  • * Item 3

To create a table, use the pipe character (|) to separate the columns. For example, to create a table of data called "My Data", you would use the following code:

| Name | Age |


| John | 20 |

| Mary | 21 |

| Peter | 22 |

To run R code, use the `{r}` tag. For example, to run the following R code:

x <- 1 + 1

You would use the following code in your R Markdown document:


x <- 1 + 1

The output of the R code will be displayed in the document.

To use LaTeX to create an equation, use the dollar sign ($) symbol. For example, to create the following equation:

y = mx + b

You would use the following code in your R Markdown document:

$y = mx + b$

These are just a few of the easy R Markdown commands that you can use to create dynamic documents. 

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