Rust Programming: What is Cargo as Convention?


Cargo is a convention for how to structure and build Rust projects. It provides a number of benefits, including:

  • Easy dependency management: Cargo makes it easy to find and install dependencies for your Rust projects.
  • Automated builds: Cargo can automatically build your projects, making it easy to get started and iterate on your code.
  • Standardized project structure: Cargo enforces a standardized project structure, which makes it easier to work on other people's projects.

Even though the hello_cargo project is simple, it follows the Cargo convention. The project is structured with a Cargo.toml file and a src/ file. The Cargo.toml file specifies the project's dependencies, and the src/ file contains the project's code.

If you want to work on any existing Rust projects, you can use the following commands to check out the code using Git, change to that project's directory, and build:

git clone

cd someproject

cargo build

These commands will clone the project from GitHub, change to the project's directory, and build the project using Cargo.

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