R Language: xlsx package


The `read.xlsx()` and `read.xlsx2()` functions are both used to read Excel files in R. The `read.xlsx()` function is the older function and is not as efficient as the `read.xlsx2()` function. However, the `read.xlsx()` function is more widely supported and is available on older versions of R.

The `read.xlsx()` function has the following arguments:

  • `file`: The path to the Excel file to read.
  • `sheet`: The name or index of the sheet to read. If `sheet` is not specified, the first sheet will be read.
  • `startRow`: The row number to start reading from.
  • `endRow`: The row number to stop reading at. If `endRow` is not specified, all rows will be read.
  • `colClasses`: A vector of class names to assign to the columns. If `colClasses` is not specified, the class of each column will be guessed.
  • `na.strings`: A vector of strings to interpret as NA values.
  • `skipEmptyRows`: If `TRUE`, empty rows will be skipped.
  • `...`: Other arguments passed to the `read.xlsx()` function.

The `read.xlsx2()` function has the same arguments as the `read.xlsx()` function, with the following additions:

  • `header`: A logical value indicating whether the first row of the Excel file contains column names.
  • `stringsAsFactors`: A logical value indicating whether character strings should be converted to factors.

The following code shows how to read an Excel file into a data frame using the `read.xlsx()` function:


df <- read.xlsx("my_data.xlsx")


This code will read the Excel file `my_data.xlsx` into a data frame called `df`. The `print()` function will then print the data frame to the console.

You can also use the `read.xlsx()` function to read a specific sheet from an Excel file. For example, the following code will read the first sheet from the Excel file `my_data.xlsx` into a data frame called `df`:

df <- read.xlsx("my_data.xlsx", sheet = 1)


You can also use the `read.xlsx()` function to specify a range of cells to read. For example, the following code will read the cells A1:C10 from the Excel file `my_data.xlsx` into a data frame called `df`:

df <- read.xlsx("my_data.xlsx", range = "A1:C10")


  • The write.xlsx() function can be used to write an R object to an Excel file. The syntax is similar to the read.xlsx() function.
  • The read.xlsx2() function is much faster than the read.xlsx() function, but it may be slightly unstable when reading subsets of rows.
  • The XLConnect package has more options for writing and manipulating Excel files. It can be used to create charts, pivot tables, and other objects in Excel.
  • The XLConnect vignette is a good place to start for that package. It provides examples of how to use the package to read, write, and manipulate Excel files.
  • In general, it is advised to store your data in either a database or in comma separated files (.csv) or tab separated files (.tab/.txt) as they are easier to distribute.

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