Rust Programming: Separating Modules into Different Files


Separating modules into different files is a good way to manage growing Rust projects. It makes the code easier to navigate and maintain, and it allows you to group related code together.

To separate a module into a different file, you need to:

  1. Create a new file with the same name as the module, in a directory that matches the module's location in the module tree. For example, if the module is front_of_house, you would create a new file called in the src/ directory.
  2. Move the code for the module into the new file.
  3. Update the module declaration in the parent module to use the mod keyword. For example, if the front_of_house module is a child of the root module, you would update the src/ file to contain the following line:
mod front_of_house;

Once you have done these steps, you will be able to access the module's code from other modules in your project using a path. For example, to call the add_to_waitlist() function in the front_of_house module, you would use the following code:

use crate::front_of_house::hosting;

fn main() {

Note: You only need to use the mod keyword to declare a module once in your project. Once the compiler knows that a module exists, it will be able to find the code for that module in the appropriate file.


The following example shows how to separate the front_of_house module into a different file:

// src/
mod front_of_house;

pub use crate::front_of_house::hosting;

pub fn eat_at_restaurant() {

// src/
pub mod hosting {
    pub fn add_to_waitlist() {}

Benefits of separating modules into different files:

  • Makes code easier to navigate and maintain: When modules are separated into different files, it is easier to find the code you are looking for and to understand how the different parts of your program fit together.
  • Allows you to group related code together: Separating modules into different files allows you to group related code together, which can make your code more readable and maintainable.
  • Improves performance: The Rust compiler can optimize code that is in different files more effectively than code that is in the same file.

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