What you wish data looked like?


  • Complete and accurate. I want to be able to trust the data I'm working with, and that means it needs to be as complete and accurate as possible. This means having all of the relevant data, and making sure that the data is free of errors.
  • Well-organized and structured. I want to be able to find the data I need quickly and easily, and that means it needs to be well-organized and structured. This means having a clear and consistent data schema, and using descriptive variable names.
  • Meaningful and actionable: I want to be able to use the data to answer important questions and make informed decisions. This means the data needs to be meaningful and actionable. This means having data that is relevant to the problem I'm trying to solve, and that is in a format that I can use to analyze and interpret.
  • Timely. I want to be able to use data to make decisions in real time, and that means the data needs to be timely. This means having data that is updated regularly, and that is available in a format that I can easily access.
  • Scalable. I want to be able to use data to analyze large datasets, and that means the data needs to be scalable. This means having data that can be processed and analyzed efficiently, even with large datasets.
  • Secure. I want to be able to use data without worrying about security risks, and that means the data needs to be secure. This means having data that is protected from unauthorized access, and that is encrypted when necessary.

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