Rust Programming: Common Collections


Common Collections in Rust Programming are a set of data structures that are commonly used in Rust programs. They are provided by the Rust standard library and are designed to be efficient and easy to use.

The three most common collections are:

  • Vectors: Vectors are a dynamically-sized array. They can grow and shrink as needed, which makes them a good choice for storing collections of data that may change in size.
  • Strings: Strings are a sequence of characters. They are represented by the String type, which is a heap-allocated data structure.
  • Hash maps: Hash maps are a data structure that maps keys to values. The keys are unique, and the values can be of any type. Hash maps are a good choice for storing collections of data where the order of the elements is not important.

In addition to these three common collections, the Rust standard library also provides a number of other collections, such as:

  • LinkedLists: LinkedLists are a linked list data structure. They are a good choice for storing collections of data where the order of the elements is important.
  • Sets: Sets are a collection of unique elements. They are a good choice for storing collections of data where the order of the elements is not important.
  • Binary heaps: Binary heaps are a priority queue data structure. They are a good choice for storing collections of data where the elements need to be sorted.

The choice of which collection to use depends on the specific needs of the program. For example, if you need to store a collection of data that may change in size, then a vector is a good choice. If you need to store a collection of characters, then a string is a good choice. And if you need to store a collection of data where the keys are unique, then a hash map is a good choice.

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