HTML Policy-controlled features

The HTML standard, maintained by the Web Hypertext Application Technology Working Group (WhatWG), is continually evolving to meet the ever-changing needs of the web development community. One important aspect of this evolution is the introduction of policy-controlled features. Here we will explore policy-controlled features, specifically focusing on "autoplay" and "cross-origin-isolated." These features provide a level of control over web content behavior, and understanding their implications is crucial for web developers and users alike.

Policy-Controlled Features

Policy-controlled features are mechanisms in the HTML standard that allow developers to define and enforce specific policies governing the behavior of web content. By using these features, developers can ensure that their web applications adhere to certain security and user experience guidelines. Let's take a closer look at two prominent policy-controlled features.


"Autoplay" is a policy-controlled feature designed to manage the automatic playback of media elements on a web page. By default, "autoplay" has a default allowlist of 'self.' This means that media elements can automatically play without user interaction if they originate from the same domain as the web page itself.

This feature is instrumental in preventing unwanted or intrusive autoplay behavior, which can be disruptive and annoying to users. By defining a clear policy, web developers can enhance the user experience and make their websites more user-friendly.

To implement this feature, developers can specify the policy in the HTML markup or through HTTP headers. For example, you can set the "autoplay" policy for your website to allow video playback without user interaction. By customizing the "autoplay" policy, developers can strike a balance between user convenience and website functionality.


The "cross-origin-isolated" feature is another policy-controlled feature with a default allowlist of 'self.' This feature is designed to enhance security by isolating cross-origin iframes and improving their security posture.

Cross-origin iframes are embedded content from different origins. By isolating these iframes, web developers can reduce the risk of security vulnerabilities, such as cross-site scripting attacks, and ensure a safer browsing experience for users. The "cross-origin-isolated" policy helps enforce this isolation by default, making the web a more secure place.

Implementing this feature involves defining a clear policy for cross-origin iframes in your web application. By specifying the domains that are allowed to be cross-origin isolated, developers can ensure that the isolation policy is strictly enforced, protecting the integrity of the web page.

Policy-controlled features, such as "autoplay" and "cross-origin-isolated," are valuable additions to the HTML standard. They empower web developers to define and enforce policies that improve the user experience and enhance security. These features are essential tools for maintaining control over web content behavior, reducing intrusive autoplay, and securing cross-origin iframes.

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