Python Interpreter

The Python interpreter is a versatile tool for executing Python code, and it's essential to understand how to invoke it effectively, especially with the latest Python 3.12.1 version.

Installation and Execution

Unix Systems

On Unix-based systems, Python is typically installed at `/usr/local/bin/python3.12`. To start the interpreter, ensure `/usr/local/bin` is in your Unix shell’s search path and type:

However, the installation directory might vary, so consult your Python administrator if you encounter any issues. Common alternatives include `/usr/local/python`.

Windows Systems

For Windows users, if Python is installed via the Microsoft Store, the `python3.12` command will be available. Additionally, with the `py.exe` launcher, you can use:

There are numerous ways to launch Python on Windows, detailed under environment variable settings in the official documentation (`setting-envvars`).

Exiting the Interpreter

To exit the interpreter, you can:
  • Type an end-of-file character:
  • Unix: `Control-D`
  • Windows: `Control-Z + Enter`
  • Or use the built-in command:

Line-Editing Features

Python's interpreter supports interactive editing, history substitution, and code completion if the GNU Readline library is available. To check for command line editing support, press `Control-P` at the prompt:
  • If it beeps, the feature is supported.
  • If `^P` is echoed or nothing happens, only backspace editing will be available.

Operating Modes

Interactive Mode

In this mode, commands are input directly from the tty device. The interpreter prompts for the next command with `>>>` and uses `...` for continuation lines:

$ python3.12
Python 3.12 (default, April 4 2022, 09:25:04)
[GCC 10.2.0] on linux
Type "help", "copyright", "credits" or "license" for more information.
For example:

>>> the_world_is_flat = True
>>> if the_world_is_flat:
...     print("Be careful not to fall off!")
Be careful not to fall off!

Script Execution

To execute a script, provide the script name as an argument:

Alternatively, to execute a command directly, use:

python3.12 -c 'command'
For executing Python modules:

python3.12 -m module
To enter interactive mode after running a script:

python3.12 -i

Argument Passing

Arguments passed to the script are stored in the `sys.argv` list. For example:

import sys
  • `sys.argv[0]` is the script name or `-` for standard input.
  • For `-c` or `-m` options, `sys.argv[0]` is set to `-c` or the full module name, respectively.

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