Python Interactive Interpreter and Multi-line Commands

Python's interactive interpreter allows you to execute commands one at a time and see the results immediately. This makes it an excellent tool for learning and experimenting with Python code. In the following examples, the input and output are distinguished by the presence of prompts (`>>>` for input and `...` for continuation lines).

>>> 2 + 2

>>> print("Hello, World!")
Hello, World!

In these examples, you type everything after the `>>>` prompt. Lines that don't begin with a prompt represent the output from the interpreter.

Multi-line Commands

Python supports multi-line commands. A secondary prompt (`...`) indicates that the interpreter is waiting for more input. You can end a multi-line command by typing a blank line.

>>> if 42 in range(100):
...     print("42 is in the range")
42 is in the range

Comments in Python

Comments are an essential part of any programming language, and Python is no exception. Comments start with the hash character (`#`) and extend to the end of the line. They are used to explain the code and are not executed by the interpreter.

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