Constants and Variables in Swift Programming Language

Constants and variables are used to store values in Swift. Constants are similar to variables, but their values cannot be changed. They are declared using the let keyword. Variables are declared using the var keyword.

For example:

let myConstant = 10
var myVariable = 10

The value of myConstant can never be changed, but the value of myVariable can be changed.

When you declare a variable, you must specify its type. For example:

var myVariable: Int = 10

You can also declare a variable without specifying its type. In this case, the type of the variable will be inferred from the value that you assign to it. For example:

var myVariable = 10

The type of myVariable will be inferred to be Int.

You can use constants and variables to store any type of value, including integers, floats, strings, and Booleans.

Here are some examples of how to use constants and variables:

// Declare a constant to store the number of pages in a book.
let numberOfPages = 200

// Declare a variable to store the name of the book.
var bookName = "The Swift Programming Language"

// Declare a variable to store the current page number.
var currentPageNumber = 1

// Increment the current page number.
currentPageNumber += 1

// Print the current page number.

Constants and variables are a fundamental part of programming. They allow you to store values and refer to them later in your code.

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