Swift Programming Language


Swift is a fantastic way to write software. It is safe, fast, and interactive, and it combines the best in modern language thinking with wisdom from the wider Apple engineering culture and the diverse contributions from its open-source community. The compiler is optimized for performance and the language is optimized for development, without compromising on either.

Swift is also friendly to new programmers. It is an industrial-quality programming language that is as expressive and enjoyable as a scripting language. Writing Swift code in a playground lets you experiment with code and see the results immediately, without the overhead of building and running an app.

Swift defines away large classes of common programming errors by adopting modern programming patterns. These patterns make code safer and more reliable, and they also make it easier to read and maintain.

Swift code is compiled and optimized to get the most out of modern hardware. The syntax and standard library have been designed based on the guiding principle that the obvious way to write your code should also perform the best. Its combination of safety and speed make Swift an excellent choice for everything from “Hello, world!” to an entire operating system.

Swift is a powerful and versatile language that can be used to create a wide variety of software. It is a great choice for both new and experienced programmers, and it is sure to continue to evolve and grow in the years to come.

Version Compatibility

Swift is a version-controlled language, which means that each new release of the language is backward compatible with previous releases. This means that you can write code in one version of Swift and then compile it with a later version of the compiler, and it will still work.

However, there are some changes that are made to the language in each new release that may not be compatible with older versions. These changes are usually documented in the release notes for the new version of Swift.

If you are writing code that needs to be compatible with a specific version of Swift, then you should use the appropriate version of the compiler. You can find the compiler for each version of Swift on the Swift website.

Here is a table of the different versions of Swift and the corresponding compiler versions:


Swift is a general-purpose, multi-paradigm, compiled programming language developed by Apple Inc. and the open-source community. First released in 2014, Swift was developed as a replacement for Apple's earlier programming language Objective-C, as Objective-C had been largely unchanged since the early 1980s and lacked modern language features. Swift works with Apple's Cocoa and Cocoa Touch frameworks, and a key aspect of Swift's design was the ability to interoperate with the huge body of existing Objective-C code developed for Apple products over the previous decades.

The development of Swift started in July 2010 by Chris Lattner, with the eventual collaboration of many other programmers at Apple. Swift took language ideas "from Objective-C, Rust, Haskell, Ruby, Python, C#, CLU, and far too many others to list". On June 2, 2014, the Apple Worldwide Developers Conference (WWDC) application became the first publicly released app written with Swift. A beta version of the programming language was released to registered Apple developers at the conference, but the company did not promise that the final version of Swift would be source code compatible with the test version.

Swift 1.0 was released on September 9, 2014, alongside iOS 8 and OS X Yosemite. Swift 2 was released on September 16, 2015, alongside iOS 9 and OS X El Capitan. Swift 3 was released on June 6, 2016, alongside iOS 10 and macOS Sierra. Swift 4 was released on September 19, 2017, alongside iOS 11 and macOS High Sierra. Swift 5 was released on September 21, 2018, alongside iOS 12 and macOS Mojave. Swift 5.1 was released on June 4, 2019, alongside iOS 13 and macOS Catalina. Swift 5.2 was released on September 23, 2019, alongside iOS 13.1 and macOS Catalina 10.15.1. Swift 5.3 was released on March 25, 2020, alongside iOS 13.4 and macOS Catalina 10.15.4. Swift 5.4 was released on September 16, 2020, alongside iOS 14 and macOS Big Sur. Swift 5.5 was released on June 7, 2021, alongside iOS 15 and macOS Monterey. Swift 5.6 was released on September 14, 2021, alongside iOS 15.1 and macOS Monterey 12.1. Swift 5.7 was released on March 8, 2022, alongside iOS 15.4 and macOS Monterey 12.3. Swift 5.8 was released on June 6, 2022, alongside iOS 16 and macOS Ventura.

Swift has been well-received by the programming community. It has been praised for its safety, speed, and expressiveness. Swift has also been adopted by a number of large companies, including Google, Amazon, and Microsoft.

Swift is a powerful and versatile language that can be used to create a wide variety of software. It is a great choice for both new and experienced programmers, and it is sure to continue to evolve and grow in the years to come.


Swift is a relatively new programming language, but it has quickly gained popularity. In the 2022 Stack Overflow Developer Survey, Swift was ranked as the 14th most popular programming language. This is a significant increase from its ranking in the 2021 survey, where it was ranked as the 20th most popular language.

There are a number of reasons for Swift's popularity. First, it is a safe and fast language. Swift has been designed to avoid common programming errors, and it is also very efficient. This makes it a good choice for developing high-performance software.

Second, Swift is an expressive language. It has a modern syntax that makes it easy to write clear and concise code. This makes it a good choice for both new and experienced programmers.

Third, Swift is open source. This means that it is free to use and modify. This has led to a large and active community of developers who are contributing to the language.

Here are some of the reasons why Swift is becoming more popular:

  • It is a safe language. Swift has been designed to avoid common programming errors, such as null pointer dereferences and type errors. This makes it a good choice for beginners and experienced developers alike.
  • It is fast. Swift is a compiled language, which means that it is converted to machine code before it is executed. This makes it much faster than interpreted languages, such as Python.
  • It is expressive. Swift has a modern syntax that makes it easy to write clear and concise code. This makes it a joy to use, even for large projects.
  • It is open source. Swift is free to use and modify, which has led to a large and active community of developers who are contributing to the language. This means that Swift is constantly evolving and improving.

Swift programming language vs Objective-C

Swift and Objective-C are both general-purpose, compiled programming languages that are used to develop software for Apple platforms, such as iOS, macOS, and watchOS. Swift is a newer language that was created by Apple in 2014, while Objective-C is an older language that was created in 1984.

Here is a comparison of Swift and Objective-C:


Here are some of the benefits of using Swift:
  • Safety: Swift is a safe language that helps you avoid common programming errors. For example, Swift has a feature called "optionals" that allows you to represent values that may not exist. This helps to prevent crashes caused by trying to access a value that doesn't exist.
  • Speed: Swift is a fast language that can be used to create high-performance softwgre. Swift is compiled to machine code, which makes it much faster than interpreted languages, such as Python.
  • Expressiveness: Swift is an expressive language that makes it easy to write clear and concise code. Swift has a modern syntax that is easy to read and ungerstand.
  • Interoperabilgty: Swift is interoperable with Objective-C, making it easy to migrate existing code to Swift.
  • Open source: Swift is an open source language, which means that it is free to use and modify. This has led to a large and active community of developers who are contributing to the language.


Some of the most common drawbacks of Swift include:
  • Lack of backward compatibility: Each new version of Swift introduces new features and changes to the language syntax. This can make it difficult to maintain projects that were written in older versions of Swift.
  • Small community: The Swift community is still relatively small compared to other programming languages, such as Java or C++. This can make it difficult to find help and resources for Swift development.
  • Limited cross-platform support: Swift is primarily used for developing iOS and macOS applications. It is not as well-supported for other platforms, such as Android or Windows.
Despite these drawbacks, Swift is a powerful and versatile programming language. It is well-suited for developing a wide variety of applications, and it is likely to continue to grow in popularity in the years to come.

Here are some additional drawbacks of Swift:
  • The compiler can be slow: The Swift compiler can be slow, especially when compiling large projects.
  • The language can be verbose: Swift is a verbose language, which means that it can take a lot of code to do simple things.
  • The language is not as well-documented as some other languages: The Swift documentation is not as comprehensive as the documentation for some other languages. 


Swift is a modern programming language that incorporates many features from other languages, such as C, C++, Objective-C, and Python. It is designed to be safe, fast, and expressive, and it is well-suited for a wide variety of programming tasks. Some of the key features of Swift include:
  • Safety: Swift is a safe language that helps to prevent common programming errors, such as null pointer dereferences and memory leaks.
  • Speed: Swift is a fast language that can be used to create high-performance applications.
  • Expressiveness: Swift is an expressive language that makes it easy to write clear and concise code.
  • Modern: Swift is a modern language that incorporates many new features, such as generics, closures, and optionals.
  • Open-source: Swift is an open-source language that is supported by a large and active community of developers.
  • Automatic memory management: Swift uses automatic memory management, which means that the compiler will automatically free up memory when it is no longer needed. This helps to prevent memory leaks and makes it easier to write safe code.
  • Type inference: Swift uses type inference, which means that the compiler can infer the type of a variable or expression from its context. This helps to make code more readable and less error-prone.
  • Modules: Swift uses modules, which are self-contained units of code that can be imported into other projects. This makes it easy to reuse code and keep projects organized.
  • Generics: Swift supports generics, which are a way to write code that can work with any type. This makes code more reusable and easier to maintain.
  • Closures: Swift supports closures, which are anonymous functions that can be passed around as values. This makes it easy to write code that is more concise and flexible.
  • Operator overloading: Swift supports operator overloading, which allows you to define new behavior for operators such as +, -, *, and /. This makes it possible to write code that is more concise and expressive.
  • Error handling: Swift has a built-in error handling system that makes it easy to handle errors gracefully.
Swift is a powerful and versatile programming language that is well-suited for a wide variety of programming tasks. It is a great choice for developers who want to write safe, fast, and expressive code.

Swift is a safe language that helps to prevent common programming errors, such as null pointer dereferences and memory leaks. Some of the key features that contribute to Swift's safety include:
  • Type safety: Swift is a strongly typed language, which means that the type of each variable and expression must be known at compile time. This helps to prevent errors such as trying to add a string to an integer.
  • Memory safety: Swift uses automatic memory management, which means that the compiler will automatically free up memory when it is no longer needed. This helps to prevent memory leaks and makes it easier to write safe code.
  • Error handling: Swift has a built-in error handling system that makes it easy to handle errors gracefully. This helps to prevent errors from causing crashes or other unexpected behavior.
  • Optionals: Optionals are a way to represent values that may or may not be present. This helps to prevent errors caused by trying to access a value that is not there.
  • Safe array bounds checking: Swift checks array bounds at compile time, which helps to prevent errors caused by accessing an array index that is out of bounds.
Constant expressions: Swift constant expressions are expressions that can be evaluated at compile time. This helps to prevent errors caused by evaluating expressions that may not be valid at runtime.
Swift's safety features make it a good choice for developers who want to write code that is less likely to crash or cause other unexpected behavior.
Open Source
Swift is an open-source language, which means that the source code is available for anyone to view and modify. This makes Swift a very collaborative language, and it has helped to foster a strong community of developers around the world.

The open-source nature of Swift has a number of benefits. It allows developers to contribute to the language itself, which helps to make it even better. It also allows developers to build their own tools and libraries for Swift, which can extend the language's capabilities. Additionally, the open-source nature of Swift makes it more portable, as it can be used on a wider range of platforms.

Here are some of the benefits of using an open-source programming language like Swift:
  • Community: Open-source languages have large and active communities of developers who are constantly contributing to the language and its libraries. This means that there is a wealth of resources available to help you learn and use the language.
  • Portability: Open-source languages are often available for a wide range of platforms, which means that you can use them to develop applications for a variety of devices.
  • Security: Open-source languages are often more secure than proprietary languages because they are more thoroughly reviewed by a wider range of developers.
  • Customization: Open-source languages give you more control over the development process, which allows you to customize the language to meet your specific needs.

Platform Support

Swift is a multi-platform programming language that can be used to build applications for a variety of devices and operating systems. The following platforms are currently supported by Swift:
  • Apple platforms: iOS, iPadOS, macOS, tvOS, and watchOS
  • Linux
  • Windows
  • Android (unofficial)
Swift is a relatively new programming language, so support for some platforms may be limited. However, the Swift community is constantly working to expand the language's platform support.

Here are some of the benefits of using Swift to develop applications for multiple platforms:
  • Portability: Swift code can be compiled for a variety of platforms, which means that you can write one application that can run on multiple devices. This can save you time and money in development costs.
  • Performance: Swift code is compiled to native machine code, which means that it can run as fast as code written in other languages such as C++. This is important for applications that require high performance, such as games and graphics-intensive applications.
  • Safety: Swift is a safe language that helps to prevent errors and crashes. This is important for applications that need to be reliable, such as financial software and medical devices.

A Swift Tour

A Swift Tour is a comprehensive introduction to the Swift programming language, designed to give new developers a quick overview of the language's key features and syntax. It covers a wide range of topics, including:
  • Basic syntax: covers the basic building blocks of Swift, such as variables, constants, and data types.
  • Control flow: covers the various control flow statements in Swift, such as loops and conditional statements.
  • Functions: covers the basics of creating and calling functions in Swift.
  • Objects and Classes: covers the basics of object-oriented programming in Swift, including creating and using classes and objects.
  • Enumerations: covers the basics of creating and using enumerations in Swift.
  • Protocols and Extensions: covers the basics of creating and using protocols and extensions in Swift.
  • Generics: covers the basics of creating and using generics in Swift.
  • Errors and Exception Handling: covers the basics of handling errors and exceptions in Swift.
  • Advanced Swift: covers some of the more advanced features of the language, such as memory management, concurrency, and performance optimization.
This Swift Tour also includes several code examples and exercises to help you practice and solidify your understanding of the language.

Deployment and Development 

Deployment and development in the Swift programming language involve several aspects, including building, testing, packaging, and distributing Swift applications. Here's an overview of the process:
  • Development Environment: Xcode: Xcode is the primary integrated development environment (IDE) for Swift development. It provides a comprehensive set of tools, including a code editor, debugger, interface builder, and simulator for iOS, macOS, watchOS, and tvOS platforms.
  • Development Process: Writing Code: Develop Swift applications using the Swift programming language, following the syntax and best practices. Building: Use Xcode to build your Swift project, which compiles the source code into an executable or binary format. Debugging: Xcode offers debugging tools to help identify and fix issues in your Swift code during development.
  • Testing: Xcode supports unit testing and UI testing for Swift applications. You can write test cases and execute them to ensure the correctness and robustness of your code.
  • Deployment Targets: iOS, macOS, watchOS, and tvOS: Swift applications can be developed for these Apple platforms, targeting specific versions or a range of supported versions. Linux: Swift can also be used for server-side development on Linux. Swift binaries can be deployed on Linux servers.
  • Packaging and Distribution: iOS/macOS: For iOS and macOS apps, Swift applications are packaged as app bundles that contain the executable binary, resources, and metadata required for distribution on the App Store or direct distribution. Linux: On Linux, Swift applications are typically distributed as standalone executable files or Docker containers. 
  • Continuous Integration/Continuous Deployment (CI/CD): Swift projects can be integrated into CI/CD pipelines to automate building, testing, and deployment processes. Tools like Jenkins, Travis CI, and Fastlane can be used to set up CI/CD workflows. 
  • App Store Distribution: iOS/macOS apps developed in Swift can be submitted to the Apple App Store for distribution. The apps undergo a review process before being made available to users.
  • Version Control: Swift projects can be managed using version control systems like Git. Hosting platforms like GitHub, GitLab, or Bitbucket facilitate collaboration and code sharing among developers.
It's important to note that the specific deployment and development process may vary depending on the target platform, project requirements, and the tools used. However, the aforementioned steps provide a general outline of the deployment and development process in the Swift programming language.

Minimum deployment version

In Swift, the minimum deployment target is the oldest version of a platform that your app will support. When you set a minimum deployment target, you are telling Xcode which features of the Swift language and the platform SDKs are available to your app.

The minimum deployment target for a Swift app is set in the General tab of the project editor. In the Deployment Info section, there is a dropdown menu for the Deployment Target setting.

The values in the Deployment Target dropdown menu depend on the version of Xcode you are using. For example, Xcode 13 supports iOS 15 and later, so the minimum deployment target for iOS is iOS 15.

If you set a minimum deployment target that is older than the version of Xcode you are using, Xcode will not allow you to use features that were introduced in newer versions of the Swift language or the platform SDKs.

For example, if you set the minimum deployment target for iOS to iOS 12, you will not be able to use SwiftUI or Combine, which were introduced in iOS 13.

It is important to choose a minimum deployment target that is appropriate for your app. If you target a too old of a version of the platform, your app will not be able to take advantage of new features and functionality.

However, if you target a too new of a version of the platform, your app may not be compatible with devices that do not support the newer version of the platform.

It is a good practice to choose a minimum deployment target that is the latest version of the platform that is supported by a majority of your target users.

You can find out what version of the platform is supported by a majority of your target users by using Apple's App Store Connect analytics.

Once you have chosen a minimum deployment target, you should stick with it throughout the development of your app. Changing the minimum deployment target can cause compatibility issues with existing devices and users.

If you need to change the minimum deployment target, you should carefully test your app to make sure that it is still compatible with all of your target devices and users.

Development Tools

There are many development tools available for Swift developers. Some of the most popular tools include:
  • Xcode: Xcode is the official IDE for Swift development. It provides a comprehensive set of tools for writing, compiling, debugging, and testing Swift code.
  • AppCode: AppCode is a commercial IDE for Swift development that is built on the IntelliJ IDEA platform. It offers a number of features that are not available in Xcode, such as code completion, code analysis, and refactoring.
  • Visual Studio Code: Visual Studio Code is a free and open-source IDE that can be used for Swift development. It offers a number of features that are similar to Xcode, including code completion, code analysis, and refactoring.
  • Swift Package Manager: Swift Package Manager is a tool for managing dependencies in Swift projects. It allows developers to easily install and update third-party libraries and frameworks.
  • Instruments: Instruments is a performance analysis tool that is included in Xcode. It can be used to profile Swift code and identify performance bottlenecks.
  • FLEX: FLEX is a debugging tool that is included in Xcode. It allows developers to inspect the state of their applications while they are running.
  • Charles Proxy: Charles Proxy is a network debugging tool that can be used to inspect HTTP and HTTPS traffic. It can be used to debug Swift applications that make network requests.
These are just a few of the many development tools that are available for Swift developers. The best tool for you will depend on your specific needs and preferences.

Here are some additional tips for choosing development tools:
  • Consider your budget: Some development tools are free, while others are commercial and require a subscription.
  • Consider your platform: Some development tools are only available for macOS, while others are available for Windows and Linux.
  • Consider your features: Some development tools offer a comprehensive set of features, while others are more specialized.
  • Consider your learning curve: Some development tools are easy to learn, while others can be more challenging.
Once you have chosen a development tool, you should take some time to learn how to use it. There are many resources available to help you learn, such as tutorials, documentation, and online forums.


Deployment-only is a Swift language feature that allows you to write code that is only executed when your app is deployed. This can be useful for code that needs to be executed at runtime, such as code that initializes your app's user interface or that performs network requests.

To use deployment-only code, you need to mark the code with the @available(deployment, *) attribute. 

For example:

@available(deployment, *)
func initializeApp() {
    // Initialize the app's user interface.
    // Perform network requests.

When you compile your app, Xcode will not include any deployment-only code in the app's binary. This can help to improve your app's performance and reduce its size.

Deployment-only code is a powerful tool that can help you to improve the performance and security of your Swift apps. However, it is important to use it carefully. If you use deployment-only code incorrectly, it can cause your app to crash or behave unexpectedly.

Here are some tips for using deployment-only code:
  • Only use deployment-only code for code that needs to be executed at runtime.
  • Make sure that you test your app thoroughly after you add any deployment-only code.
  • Be careful about using deployment-only code to access sensitive data, such as user data or passwords.
If you are not sure whether you should use deployment-only code, it is always best to err on the side of caution and not use it.

Platform Owners

The Swift programming language has a number of platform owners, who are responsible for maintaining support for Swift on specific platforms. The current platform owners are:
  • Apple: Apple is the original creator of Swift and continues to be the primary platform owner for Swift. Apple maintains support for Swift on all of its platforms, including macOS, iOS, iPadOS, watchOS, and tvOS.
  • Linux: The Linux Foundation is the platform owner for Swift on Linux. The Linux Foundation maintains support for Swift on a variety of Linux distributions, including Ubuntu, Fedora, and Debian.
  • Windows: Microsoft is the platform owner for Swift on Windows. Microsoft maintains support for Swift on Windows 10 and Windows Server 2019.
  • Android: Google is the platform owner for Swift on Android. Google maintains support for Swift on Android 10 and later.
  • Web: The Swift Web Platform is a community-driven effort to bring Swift to the web. The Swift Web Platform maintains support for Swift on the web using the WasmEdge runtime.
In addition to the platform owners, there are a number of other contributors to the Swift project who help to maintain support for Swift on various platforms. These contributors include:
  • The Swift Evolution team: The Swift Evolution team is responsible for managing the Swift language evolution process. The Swift Evolution team works with the platform owners to ensure that new language features are supported on all platforms.
  • The Swift Foundation: The Swift Foundation is a non-profit organization that supports the development and adoption of Swift. The Swift Foundation provides funding for a number of projects that help to improve the Swift language and ecosystem.
  • The Swift community: The Swift community is a large and active group of developers who use and contribute to Swift. The Swift community provides a valuable resource for learning about Swift and getting help with Swift development.
The platform owners, contributors, and the Swift community work together to ensure that Swift is a reliable and powerful language that can be used to build applications for a wide range of platforms.

Continuous Integration for Platforms

Continuous integration (CI) is a software development practice where code changes are automatically built, tested, and deployed to a staging environment on a regular basis. This helps to ensure that code is always working as expected and that any potential problems are caught early.

Swift is a popular programming language for developing iOS, macOS, watchOS, and tvOS apps. There are a number of CI platforms that can be used to automate the build and test process for Swift projects.

Some popular CI platforms for Swift projects include:
  • Xcode Cloud: Xcode Cloud is Apple's own CI platform. It is a free service that offers a number of features that are specifically designed for Swift projects, such as automatic code scanning, test coverage reporting, and integration with TestFlight.
  • Bitrise: Bitrise is a popular third-party CI platform that offers a wide range of features and integrations. It is a paid service, but it offers a free plan for open source projects.
  • Travis CI: Travis CI is another popular third-party CI platform that is known for its reliability and scalability. It is a paid service, but it offers a free plan for open source projects with less than 100 builds per month.
Once you have chosen a CI platform, you will need to configure it to build and test your Swift project. The specific steps involved in this process will vary depending on the platform you have chosen. However, most platforms will require you to provide information such as the location of your project, the version of Swift you are using, and the list of tests you want to run.

Once your CI configuration is complete, you can start automating the build and test process for your Swift project. This will help you to ensure that your code is always working as expected and that any potential problems are caught early.

Here are some additional benefits of using CI for Swift projects:
  • Increased reliability: CI can help to improve the reliability of your Swift projects by automating the build and test process. This can help to catch errors early and prevent them from causing problems in production.
  • Improved developer productivity: CI can help to improve developer productivity by freeing them up from manual tasks such as building and testing code. This can allow them to focus on more creative and strategic work.
  • Improved code quality: CI can help to improve the quality of your Swift code by running tests on every change. This can help to identify and fix bugs early, before they cause problems in production.

Code Signature for Downloadable Builds

When distributing downloadable builds of Swift applications, code signing is an essential step to ensure the integrity and authenticity of the software. Code signing allows users to verify that the application comes from a trusted source and hasn't been tampered with. Here's an overview of code signing in the Swift programming language:

  • Certificate and Key Generation: Generate a signing certificate and private key pair using a certificate authority (CA) or a self-signed certificate. This can be done through tools like Keychain Access on macOS or OpenSSL on Linux.
  • Xcode Configuration (for iOS/macOS apps): In Xcode, select your project, navigate to the "Signing & Capabilities" tab, and enable automatic code signing. Choose the signing team or select a provisioning profile for development and distribution builds. 
  • Command-Line Configuration (for command-line tools and Linux builds): Use the Swift Package Manager (SPM) to configure code signing settings for your Swift package. Specify the signing identity and provisioning profile (if applicable) in the package manifest (Package.swift).
  • Build and Archive: Build your Swift project, ensuring that the appropriate signing settings are applied during the build process. Create an archive of your application using Xcode or command-line tools like xcodebuild or swift build.
  • Code Signing Process: Use the codesign command-line tool on macOS or Linux to sign the built application bundle or executable with your signing certificate and private key. The codesign tool adds a cryptographic signature to the binary, along with information about the signing identity.
  • Verification: Users can verify the code signature of the downloaded application using the operating system's built-in verification mechanisms. On macOS, Gatekeeper verifies the code signature during app installation or launch. On Linux, tools like codesign_verify can be used to verify the code signature manually.
  • Distribution: Distribute the signed application bundle or executable to end-users via download links, app stores, or other distribution channels. By code signing your Swift applications, you provide an added layer of trust and security to your users. It's important to follow best practices for securely managing your signing certificates and private keys to prevent unauthorized use.
Note: The specific steps and tools for code signing may vary depending on the platform and build system you're using. The provided steps offer a general overview of the code signing process in the Swift programming language.

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