HTML Background

HTML is the World Wide Web's core markup language.

This means that HTML is the main language that is used to create and display web pages on the Internet. The World Wide Web is a system of interconnected web pages that can be accessed through a web browser.

Originally, HTML was primarily designed as a language for semantically describing scientific documents.

This means that HTML was first created to express the meaning and structure of documents that contain scientific information, such as research papers, articles, or books. Semantics is the study of meaning in language, and semantic elements are tags that describe what kind of content they contain, such as <title>, <p>, <h1>, etc.

Its general design, however, has enabled it to be adapted, over the subsequent years, to describe a number of other types of documents and even applications.

This means that HTML has a flexible and simple design that allows it to be used for different purposes and formats, such as web pages, web applications, e-books, newsletters, etc. HTML has also evolved over time to include new features and technologies that enhance its functionality and compatibility.

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