HTML5 is the latest version of HTML, which is a language that is used to create web pages. HTML5 has many new features and improvements that make web development easier and more powerful. Some of the main features of HTML5 are:
  • Multimedia support: HTML5 allows you to embed audio and video content on web pages using the <audio> and <video> tags, without the need for plugins or external players. You can also use the <canvas> tag to draw graphics and animations on web pages using JavaScript.
  • Semantic elements: HTML5 introduces new elements that describe the meaning and structure of web content, such as <header>, <footer>, <article>, <section>, <nav>, and <figure>. These elements make web pages more readable and accessible for humans and machines.
  • Web applications: HTML5 provides many APIs and features that enable web developers to create rich and interactive web applications, such as geolocation, web storage, drag and drop, offline support, web workers, web sockets, and more.
  • Backward compatibility: HTML5 is designed to work with existing web browsers and technologies, so you don't have to worry about breaking your old web pages or losing your audience. HTML5 also has a simple and flexible syntax that allows you to write valid and clean code.
The HTML Living Standard is one of these modern web technologies. This means that, in a sense, yes, the HTML Living Standard is HTML5. The term "HTML5" is non-normative, meaning that it is not formally defined in the HTML specification. This is because the HTML specification is a living document that is constantly evolving. The WHATWG updates the specification on a regular basis to add new features and functionality. For this reason, the WHATWG prefers to use the term "HTML Living Standard" instead of "HTML5", to avoid giving the impression that the HTML specification is static.

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