Integer Conversion in Swift Programming Language


Implicit Integer Conversion: Implicit integer conversion is when the compiler automatically converts a value from one integer type to another. For example, if you have an `Int` variable and you assign it a value of type `Double`, the compiler will automatically convert the `Double` value to an `Int` value.

Explicit Integer Conversion: Explicit integer conversion is when you manually convert a value from one integer type to another. For example, if you have an `Int` variable and you want to convert it to a `Double` value, you would use the `Double()` initializer.

Here are some examples of implicit and explicit integer conversion:

// Implicit integer conversion

let int1 = 10

let int2 = 10.0

// Explicit integer conversion

let double1 = Double(int1)

let int3 = Int(double2)

In the first example, the compiler automatically converts the `Double` value 10.0 to an `Int` value 10. In the second example, we manually convert the `Int` value 10 to a `Double` value 10.0.

Here are some of the limitations of integer conversion:

  • Truncation: Truncation occurs when a value is converted to a smaller integer type. For example, if you convert the `Int` value 100 to an `Int8`, the value will be truncated to 128.
  • Loss of Precision: Loss of precision occurs when a value is converted to a numeric type with less precision. For example, if you convert the `Double` value 1.2345 to an `Int16`, the value will be rounded to the nearest integer, which is 1.

It is important to be aware of these limitations when using integer conversion.

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