Integer and Floating-Point Conversion in Swift Programming Language


Swift provides a number of ways to convert between integer and floating-point numbers.

Using the `Int()` constructor: The `Int()` constructor can be used to convert a floating-point number to an integer. The constructor will round the floating-point number toward zero. For example, the following code will convert the floating-point number `1.5` to the integer `1`:

let floatNumber = 1.5

let integerNumber = Int(floatNumber)

print(integerNumber) // 1

Using the `Float()` constructor: The `Float()` constructor can be used to convert an integer to a floating-point number. The constructor will round the integer to the nearest floating-point number. For example, the following code will convert the integer `1` to the floating-point number `1.0`:

let integerNumber = 1

let floatNumber = Float(integerNumber)

print(floatNumber) // 1.0

Using the `Double()` constructor: The `Double()` constructor can be used to convert an integer or floating-point number to a double-precision floating-point number. The constructor will round the number to the nearest double-precision floating-point number. For example, the following code will convert the integer `1` to the double-precision floating-point number `1.0`:

let integerNumber = 1

let doubleNumber = Double(integerNumber)

print(doubleNumber) // 1.0

Using the `CGFloat()` constructor: The `CGFloat()` constructor can be used to convert an integer or floating-point number to a floating-point number that can be used to represent screen coordinates. The constructor will round the number to the nearest floating-point number that can be used to represent screen coordinates. For example, the following code will convert the integer `1` to the floating-point number `1.0` that can be used to represent screen coordinates:

let integerNumber = 1

let cgFloatNumber = CGFloat(integerNumber)

print(cgFloatNumber) // 1.0

It is important to note that when converting between integer and floating-point numbers, there may be some loss of precision. This is because floating-point numbers are stored in binary, while integers are stored in decimal. As a result, some decimal numbers may not be perfectly representable as floating-point numbers. For example, the floating-point number `0.1` cannot be represented exactly as a binary number. This means that when `0.1` is converted to an integer, it will be rounded to the nearest integer, which is `0`.

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