R Language: mutate()


The mutate() function in R is used to create new variables from existing variables in a data frame. It can also be used to modify existing variables or to delete variables.

The syntax for the mutate() function is:

mutate(data_frame, new_variable_name = expression)


  • `data_frame` is the name of the data frame that you want to modify.
  • `new_variable_name` is the name of the new variable that you want to create.
  • `expression` is the expression that you want to use to create the new variable.

For example, the following code creates a new variable called `pm25_detrend` that is the difference between the `pm25` variable and the mean of the `pm25` variable:

chicago <- mutate(chicago, pm25_detrend = pm25 - mean(pm25, na.rm = TRUE))

The mutate() function is a powerful tool for data manipulation in R. It can be used to create new variables, to modify existing variables, and to delete variables.

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