R Language: rename()


The rename() function in R is used to rename the columns of a data frame. The syntax for the rename() function is:

rename(data_frame, new_name = old_name, ...)

where `data_frame` is the name of the data frame, `new_name` is the new name of the column, and `old_name` is the old name of the column. The ellipsis (...) can be used to specify multiple column names to be renamed.

For example, the following code would rename the `dptp` column in the `chicago` data frame to `dewpoint`:

chicago <- rename(chicago, dewpoint = dptp)

The `head()` function is then used to print the first five rows of the `chicago` data frame, which shows that the `dptp` column has been renamed to `dewpoint`:

head(chicago[, 1:5], 3)

  city tmpd dewpoint       date     pm25

1 chic   35     30.1 2005-12-31 15.00000

2 chic   36     31.0 2005-12-30 15.05714

3 chic   35     29.4 2005-12-29  7.45000

The rename() function is a very useful function for renaming columns in a data frame. It is much easier to use than the base R method for renaming columns, which requires you to manually change the values in the `names()` vector.

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