The R Programming Language: Interacting with R

R is a powerful statistical programming language widely used for data analysis, visualization, and statistical modeling. In this article, we will explore how to interact with R interactively, both on UNIX and Windows systems.

Getting Started on UNIX

Setting Up Your Workspace

The first step in using R on UNIX is to create a dedicated sub-directory to organize your work and data files. Let's name this directory "work."

$ mkdir work
$ cd work

This directory will serve as your working directory whenever you use R for a specific problem.

Launching R

To start the R program, use the following command in your UNIX terminal:

$ R

After entering this command, you will see the R prompt, indicated by the default symbol '>.' This is where you can enter R commands.

Working with R

Now that you are in the R environment, you can issue commands and perform data analysis. For example, you might load data, manipulate variables, or create visualizations using R functions.

To quit the R program, use the following command:
> q()
Upon quitting, you will be prompted to save your data. Choose whether to save or discard your session based on your preferences.

Subsequent Sessions

For future R sessions on UNIX, follow these steps:

1. Navigate to your working directory:

$ cd work

2. Launch R:

$ R

Repeat this process for each session, making sure to save your data when prompted.

Working with R on Windows

Using R on Windows follows a similar process with a few minor differences.

Setting Up Your Workspace

Create a folder to serve as your working directory. Set this directory in the "Start In" field of your R shortcut to ensure R knows where to look for your files.

Launching R

Double-click on the R icon to launch the program.

Subsequent Sessions

For future R sessions on Windows, simply double-click the R icon again, and you'll be ready to start a new session.

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